FISCO BCOS区块链系统中Java SDK的调用
- 使用IDEA新建一个SpringBoot项目,使用Maven来管理依赖,SpringBoot的依赖项选择Spring Web
添加FISCO BCOS区块链系统依赖
- 在pom.xml中添加FISCO BCOS区块链系统的Java SDK依赖
- 在项目目录的resources下建立新文件夹conf
- 将“区块链文件夹/nodes/${ip}/sdk/”目录下的证书拷贝到conf文件夹中
- 我的区块链文件夹是fisco,部署的是本地四节点区块链,因此我这里的ip是127.0.0.1,文件夹下的证书如下
- 在项目的resources下创建配置文件 fisco-config.toml
- 下面给出fisco-config.toml的示例代码
certPath = "conf" # The certification path
# The following configurations take the certPath by default if commented
# caCert = "conf/ca.crt" # CA cert file path
# If connect to the GM node, default CA cert path is ${certPath}/gm/gmca.crt
# sslCert = "conf/sdk.crt" # SSL cert file path
# If connect to the GM node, the default SDK cert path is ${certPath}/gm/gmsdk.crt
# sslKey = "conf/sdk.key" # SSL key file path
# If connect to the GM node, the default SDK privateKey path is ${certPath}/gm/gmsdk.key
# enSslCert = "conf/gm/gmensdk.crt" # GM encryption cert file path
# default load the GM SSL encryption cert from ${certPath}/gm/gmensdk.crt
# enSslKey = "conf/gm/gmensdk.key" # GM ssl cert file path
# default load the GM SSL encryption privateKey from ${certPath}/gm/gmensdk.key
peers=["", "", "", ""] # The peer list to connect
# AMOP configuration
# You can use following two methods to configure as a private topic message sender or subscriber.
# Usually, the public key and private key is generated by subscriber.
# Message sender receive public key from topic subscriber then make configuration.
# But, please do not config as both the message sender and the subscriber of one private topic, or you may send the message to yourself.
# Configure a private topic as a topic message sender.
# [[amop]]
# topicName = "PrivateTopic"
# publicKeys = [ "conf/amop/consumer_public_key_1.pem" ] # Public keys of the nodes that you want to send AMOP message of this topic to.
# Configure a private topic as a topic subscriber.
# [[amop]]
# topicName = "PrivateTopic"
# privateKey = "conf/amop/consumer_private_key.p12" # Your private key that used to subscriber verification.
# password = "123456"
keyStoreDir = "account" # The directory to load/store the account file, default is "account"
# accountFilePath = "" # The account file path (default load from the path specified by the keyStoreDir)
accountFileFormat = "pem" # The storage format of account file (Default is "pem", "p12" as an option)
# accountAddress = "" # The transactions sending account address
# Default is a randomly generated account
# The randomly generated account is stored in the path specified by the keyStoreDir
# password = "" # The password used to load the account file
# channelProcessorThreadSize = "16" # The size of the thread pool to process channel callback
# Default is the number of cpu cores
# receiptProcessorThreadSize = "16" # The size of the thread pool to process transaction receipt notification
# Default is the number of cpu cores
maxBlockingQueueSize = "102400" # The max blocking queue size of the thread pool
- 其中主要修改peers=[“”, “”, “”, “”]这一项,它代表你自己区块链中各个节点的ip和端口,由于我的区块链系统运行在虚拟机上,所以我这里填的是虚拟机的ip地址,如果节点运行在本机上,则这里的ip地址填写127.0.0.1
- 编写好的智能合约想在Java项目中使用则必须转换成Java类,FISCO BCOS系统给我们提供了转换脚本,但是我们需要先下载控制台
mkdir -p ~/fisco && cd ~/fisco
# 获取控制台
curl -#LO
# 若因为网络问题导致长时间无法执行以上命令,请尝试以下命令:
- 将需要使用到的Solidity智能合约放入fisco/console/contracts/solidity的目录。这里我使用console中的HelloWorld.sol作为例子。保证HelloWorld.sol在指定的目录下,然后进入目录fisco/console
# 进入目录~/fisco/console
cd ~/fisco/console
- 生成智能合约对应的Java类,这里需要根据使用的控制台版本来使用不同的命令
# 使用sol2java.sh将contracts/solidity下的所有合约编译产生bin,abi,java工具类。
# 当前目录~/fisco/console
$ bash -p
# 以上命令中参数“”是指定产生的java类所属的包名。
# 通过命令./ -h可查看该脚本使用方法
# 使用sol2java.sh将contracts/solidity下的所有合约编译产生bin,abi,java工具类。
# 当前目录~/fisco/console
$ bash
# 以上命令中参数“”是指定产生的java类所属的包名。
# ./ [packageName] [solidityFilePath] [javaCodeOutputDir]
- 将生成的Java类复制到项目中,所放的位置要与我们设定的包名相同
- 在项目中新建包controller,新建控制器类FiscoController,控制器代码如下
package com.example.fiscotest.controller;
import com.example.fiscotest.HelloWorld;
import org.fisco.bcos.sdk.BcosSDK;
import org.fisco.bcos.sdk.client.Client;
import org.fisco.bcos.sdk.crypto.keypair.CryptoKeyPair;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
public class FiscoController {
public final String configFile = FiscoController.class.getClassLoader().getResource("fisco-config.toml").getPath();
BcosSDK sdk =;
Client client = sdk.getClient(Integer.valueOf(1));
HelloWorld helloWorld=null;
public String deploycontract() throws Exception{
CryptoKeyPair cryptoKeyPair = client.getCryptoSuite().getCryptoKeyPair();
helloWorld = HelloWorld.deploy(client,cryptoKeyPair);
return "deploy success!!";
public String getcontract() throws Exception{
String value = helloWorld.get();
return "ContractValue="+value;
public String setcontract(String name) throws Exception{
String value = helloWorld.get();
return "set success!! now ContractValue="+value;
测试Java SDK
- 运行SpringBoot项目
- 进入虚拟机中运行区块链节点
- 进入区块链中运行区块链浏览器
- 在本机通过浏览器测试智能合约的部署
- 在本机通过浏览器测试智能合约名称的获取
- 在本机通过ApiPost测试智能合约名称的修改
- 经过以上测试之后刷新区块链浏览器,发现数据发生变化,Java SDK在我们的项目中成功的进行调用
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